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3 Tips to Help You Assess Taking a Risk
Last summer, thanks to COVID, we took our first family road trip. We decided to escape the Texas heat and head to Colorado for a week....
Are You a Perfectionist? Learn How Adaptive Coping Can Help You
I spent a lot of my life convinced that I didn’t have a perfectionistic bone in my body. I looked at the “perfectionists” of the world...
Overcome the 3 Roadblocks to Living Courageously
The concept of courage must have been hard-wired into my brain as a kid, because when I think of courage, swords and shields come to...
5 Tips on How you Can Improve Your Social Intelligence
A couple of weeks ago I talked about Emotional Intelligence (EI). What surprised you? What did you already know? What emotional...
How Saying "Goodbye" Can Help You Say "Hello" to Change
Why is change so hard? Doing something new, facing uncertainty, or managing the challenges that come with new, pop into my mind. I bet...
What You Can Do if You're Experiencing Burnout
Does any of this sound familiar? Every day is a bad day. Caring about your work or home life seems like a total waste of...
How to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence
How smart are you? Emotionally, I mean. I’m talking about emotional intelligence (EI). EI is our ability to observe, manage and express...
Discover How to Separate Your Self-Identity From Your Roles
At 8 years old, I was an emerging artist. My room was littered with crayons, pencils, markers and paper. Every day after school, I...
What Are You Waiting for? 3 Steps to Getting What You Need Right Now
I learned a ton of lessons about leadership, collaboration, and team work among other things at my previous job. My biggest growth point...
How a Little Algebra Can Help Reboot Your Stalled Motivation
When I was a sophomore in high school, I tried out for the school musical. I had been cast in a non-speaking role in the fall play and...
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