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Coaching Can Take You to the Next Level
Seven years ago, when I decided to resign from my employed position, a blueprint would have been so helpful. At the time, I knew that my...
Discover the First Steps in Your Burnout Treatment Plan
I’ll be honest, I recognized the signs of burnout in myself before I fried to a crisp. The emerging disengagement, frustration and...
Don't Let Shame Hijack Your Identity
Can you remember a situation when shame showed up and tried to take over? Shame is like that opinionated, argumentative uncle who you...
Why Knowing Your Purpose Matters
When I was around 13 years old, my mom bought the book, “I Dream A World: Portraits of Black Women Who Changed America," by Brian Lanker....
Here's How You Can Step Boldly into Change
“Though your destination is not clear, you can trust the promise of this opening; unfurl yourself into the grace of beginning” -John...
5 Tips For Creating More Time and Energy in Your Day
Do you have a favorite season? Without a doubt, mine is spring, closely followed by summer. When I was kid, around 1st or 2nd grade, I...
How to Get Unstuck From Limiting Beliefs
Last week was spring break for my family and I took it seriously. I’ve taken too many pseudo breaks. No scheduled appointments or...
6 Steps to Regroup and Take Action
Over the past couple of weeks, this idea of regrouping has kept showing up for me. It’s like a big billboard on the side of the highway...
Feeling Depleted? Here are 3 Ways You Can Find Renewal Right Now
Does this sound like you? Wake up, grab a cup off coffee (or tea if like me, you’re trying to kick caffeine), get the kids up, fed and...
4 Things to Do to Successfully Navigate Change
In earlier blogs, I talked about the difference between change and transition. Change is an external event or situation that you...
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